Monday, March 31, 2008

Paint color samples

Taking on a do-it-yourself painting project takes quite a bit of time and energy. The project also takes a lot of planning as well. In order to make sure that you choose the right hues for your home consider browsing thorough many paint color samples. This process isn’t as easy as it seems and you may need a fresh pair of eyes after awhile.

If you want to choose the prefect colors for your area you probably would be best to start off with the features you already have in the room. Consider the tones in your furnishings and draperies, for example. These details can offer you great ideas when sifting through paint color samples in your local store.

I like to take samples of the hues that are already present in the room before shopping for painting gear. Bringing along snips of carpeting, fabric or even wallpaper is a great way to make sure that the paint color samples go with your existing products in the room. You may be surprised by how different the colors look in the store.

The lighting in most stores will be quite different from the lighting in your home. The paint color samples may look perfect in the store but you may find that they clash with the rest of your décor after you bring the products home. If you want to make sure that your tones match, it is always a good idea to take samples with you. This eliminates any unpleasant surprises when you get back to base.

You will probably find a number of different paint color samples that suit your living space. This affords you a great opportunity to get creative. Choosing to combine different hues in a single room can add wonderful depth and interest into the space. Some ways to use the colors effectively include placement and accent walls.

When considering placement you want to determine which paint color samples will suit the bulk of the area best. These colors are typically lighter in tone but some are quite bold, especially in rooms that are pretty big. A ceiling hue that is slightly lighter than the walls will make the room appear bigger.

Many homeowners are attracted to the idea of an accent wall. This wall can be drastically different in tone from the rest of the room or the difference can be quite subtle depending on your tastes. Once you find paint color samples that match your interior you really have your hands full of decisions.

Painted flower

It seems that we are always looking at different methods to raise funds at church. There are so many things to pay for with youth activities and also items that are needed for different functions. We try to raise money throughout the year so we can avoid holiday seasons when people are usually strapped for cash. We also try to have original ideas as well as useful items. This spring we decided to make and sell painted flower pots.

Each person on the committee was responsible to bring ten clay pots. We had talked about a number of places to look for the pots including garage sales, our own garages and also discount stores. The pots could be in any sizes we could find and should be as inexpensive as possible. My neighbor had four clay pots that she gave to me and I found three more at a garage sale. I purchased the other three at a closeout sale. My ten pots cost two dollars and I had three different sizes.

We had agreed that no one needed to spend a great deal of time cleaning the pots because we put them through our dishwasher at church. Once they were cleaned we were ready to create our painted flower pots. We are fortunate to have the art teacher from the high school on our committee. She was able to order the painting supplies for us and also the school gave us used paints that would not be stored over the summer. We gathered one Saturday morning and started creating our painted flower pots. Some of us brought our children along and let them help. At first it seemed quite overwhelming to have one hundred pots to paint. But as we started experimenting with different colors and seeing each others creations we found that we were able to complete the project in one afternoon. The painted flower pots were beautiful. Each pot was different from the next. We painted some in exterior paints so they could be placed outdoors. All of us had spent very little money on the pots and the paints were also inexpensive. We decided that we would charge five dollars for the small pots, ten dollars for the medium pots and fifteen dollars for the largest pots. If we sold them throughout the summer we would make a thousand dollars.

We sold the one hundred pots the first weekend. Many church members offered to donate clay pots to be painted. We have found that the painted flower pots are a quick way of making money and we have fun making them. We have over three hundred pots waiting to be painted for the next sale.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Simple Interior House Painting Experience

Being a homeowner is a huge responsibility as the house that you live in is not only the foundation where your nearest and dearest are, but it is your biggest asset in terms of your financial outlook. Many homeowners view this responsibility from both the investment and the family perspectives and as a result, are continually making improvements to their home. Consistent renovations to your home are a way of making your home a happier and more pleasant place to live, as well as to increase the value of your investment should you ever decide to sell your house.

The easiest and least expensive way of increasing both intrinsic and extrinsic value to your home is through interior painting. House painting is a very common means of home renovation that can give your room or set of rooms an instant facelift and is very easy to do on your own. If you decide to add house painting to your list of things to do this year, here are a few tips you should keep in mind before you get that first roller wet.

Painting your home's interiors requires a great deal of preparation and calculation. After you have selected the themes and colors for the room or rooms you are painting, you will need to ensure your rooms are adequately prepared before you begin painting. Even the cleanest rooms and walls will need the surfaces to be prepared before you begin the painting stage.

You first want to take off all of the switch plates from the walls and conduct a thorough dusting of your room. Use a feather duster or broom to sweep out every corner from ceiling to floor and then vacuum the room thoroughly.

Look for any holes or cracks in the wall surfaces and patch them up with spackling paste or wall plaster. Once you have patched any holes, you will then need to sand over the patching or spackling to ensure the patch you have created is flush with the wall. This will ensure a flat even coat of paint on your wall. Once you have done this, you will have to dust and vacuum again as sanding will create a large amount of dust. Ensure you dust and vacuum not only your floors, but the walls as well. Sanding will leave dust particles that may not be visible to the naked eye, and your paint will find those dust particles if you don't leaving unsightly bumps on your walls.

Your next step before you begin interior house painting will be to wash your walls thoroughly. You can use a mop to reach the corners and higher areas, but you need to wash and rinse your walls of any cleaning residue. Once your walls have dried from the washing, you are ready to begin your interior house painting. Use painters tape to mark off door ways, baseboards, and ceilings so that your paint applications are smooth and even.

If you follow these steps you will find your interior house painting experience to be one that is not only simple, but rewarding. The preparation in interior house painting is often a more arduous task than the actual painting itself. However if you prepare your walls and your rooms properly, you will find the hard work will pay off in beautiful interiors for your home.

Best House Painting Designs And Interiors

Painting slanted ceilings is a chore, but it may not be as difficult as you might think. Of course, it is always a challenge to paint any ceiling, but once you figure out what colors you are using and how to design your paint color scheme, painting slanted ceilings is just like painting the walls. There are a few things to think about before you start, specifically what colors you want to use for your walls and ceiling, and whether or not you want to distinguish between the ceiling and the wall. If you do want to distinguish the ceiling from the wall, you need to know where that line should lie on the wall.

Choosing your colors for the walls and ceiling are an important part of painting slanted ceilings. There are several options for your color scheme: you can choose the same color for the walls and the ceiling; you can choose two colors, one for the ceiling and one for the walls; or, you can choose three colors, one for the slanted ceiling wall, one for the other three walls in the room, and one for the ceiling itself.

The benefit of choosing three colors is that you can draw attention to the slanted ceiling, which is generally a very interesting architectural aspect in a room. Some people choose a lighter color for this wall and then a darker color for the other remaining walls and white or a coordinating color for painting the slanted ceilings. Other people choose to put the darker color on the wall with the slant, and then use the light color on the other walls. When more than one color is used on the walls, the ceiling is usually white.

Now you need to decide how to distinguish where to start painting slanted ceilings compared to where you paint the wall. This requires the use of a laser level. Place the level at the height you want the ceiling color to begin. A good tip is to make the ceiling color line even with that of the other walls in the room. Now use masking tape to mark where the wall and ceiling colors will change, and starting painting your slanted ceilings!